Next to Brugges, at the Atlantic coast there is a great and very informative museum about the 1st and 2nd world wars. As we wanted to visit the beach, it was a perfect combination between resting and doing some sightseeing.
We read before and the museum was also recommended for smaller children. They even offer a small game that kids can collect and search for certain information.
"The over 60 bunkers, observation posts and artillery positions and the open or subterranean corridors consitute one of the best preserved parts of the infamous German Atlantikwall. This defence line was built during the Second World War (Battery Saltzwedel-neu). At Atlantikwall Raversyde you can find the only preserved German coastal battery dating from the First World War, the Aachen Battery. This unique bunker complex dating from the First World War is located in a hilly dune area overlooking the sea and was awarded a European Heritage Award in 2022." Atlantikwall Ravesyde
The museum was a good opportunity to introduce the topic to the kids. Everybody knows that this chapter of the german/world history is not easy but it´s definitely important that we explain and analyse it with the future generations.
Nieuwpoortsesteenweg 636
8400 Oostende, Belgien
Opens from March to October